SEEPORT Consultancy

Corporate Registration

The firm is registered under concerning organizations at various dates withfollowing registration numbers:REGISTRATION:4249/052/53, Dated 2052-8-17 (January, 1996) as SEEPORTConsultancy Co. (P.) Ltd. under Government of Nepal, Ministry of Industry, Officeof Company Registration, Kathmandu, Nepal

Key Sectors of Operation

- Socioeconomic and Ethno-political Sector;

- Community and Institutional Development Sector;

- Agriculture & Livestock Sector;

- Irrigation Sector;

- Environmental (EIA and IEE) Sector;

- Forestry Sector;

- Training and Workshops Sector;

PAN No. and VAT Registration

SEEPORT is registered under VAT on 2058-06-02 with PAN No. 500088746. Thefirm is regularly paying its dues at the Internal Tax Office, Kathmandu Area No. 1at New Baneshwor, Kathmandu.